[TFG] is a self-edited publication.
Photography Sonsoles Calzado y Rosalía Chamorro
Design Raquel Gil
Total Forgotten Galanas [TFG]. The urgent need arises for the creation of an image as a claim to a world that, dwelling among us, seems not to be perceived. This world, this image, exist. We know it with certainty, for, in some way, we clearly intuit it. The hunch of being before the st range and the beautiful drives us to inquiry, to the search and preparation of the photogra- phic ritual. Photographs as devices of power, as potentials for personal worlds yet to be created, where fiction resists the material and physical reality, and where these very resistances generate the margins: spaces of construction and unforeseen events.
We force the material and the human to converge. They discover each other, and this very movement implies their connection. Interactions remain suspended in the unforeseen. The accidental as something that escapes, something that resists, and therefore, something that creates. Photography sets itself apart
from other visual disciplines by positioning the creator as a
In the circumstance of no return, the sensation of a finite moment settles in, stemming from the very nature of the TFG combined with the photographic experience. The liminal space, both physical and metaphorical, of the university; the staging as a rehearsal for the decontextualization of subjects—chosen and disparate among themselves—from their own everyday lives. They reveal themselves in an opposition of light and shadow, oscillating between confrontation and waiting. Something akin to sensory neutrality seems to embrace them, fostering stillness, attention, and analysis—a careful, unhurried presence near the margins.
The forgotten, the overlooked, in uncertainty, in transition, in invasion, in the photographic ritual.
210 × 297 mm, 56 full-color offset printing pages, [silver, glosy and transparent papers]
First edition of 40